Mother 3's 15th birthday

Remember, don’t cry until the end. Happy Birthday Mother3 As said in the video, Mother 3 is probably my favorite game. It had a strong lasting effect in my inspiration and my projects. I can’t really find another game that did so much on me. The story was the strongest point of the game, right before the music and the battle system, which I love a lot. Adding the realtime component through the HP/PP meter and the bash combo seems simple but it did the trick in keeping the battles fresh and entertraining. …

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Style Cleanup

Hello there. I’m working on a lengthier post than usual and I’m also using the occasion to clean a little bit more the blog’s style. …

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Hello V4

Hello there. Welcome in the Retroactive blog v4, I hope the wait was worth it. Do you happen to be struct by the blank canvas issue? The plain canvas that holds a creator from doing the first move? I also live that. But something also interesting with me is that I love gathering those canvases. …