We're live, for the fourth time.

Wait, it was that easy? - Myself.

Hey there.

If you’re reading this blog post, it means the v4 has been deployed on Retroactive/Rétro-actif. It took me roughly ten minutes1, which was took me by surprise. I’ll still have to iron out the remaining kinks, like the lack of OpenGraph to get better integration in social media sites2 or the lack of thumbnail in the index page, which is discussible. I guess the best thing I could do around the workflow is a script to automatically deploy the latest blog post once a commit is done. Oh that can wait, right.

Also, the unlisted files are coming later, I still need to port them over. Mostly the files linked to my master degree’s first year “research” ML models and probably a few prototypes in the wild are lacking. Even though they’re unlisted, I’d rather keep track of them rather than leaving additional 404 links here.

Throw me a message on that site with the blue bird if you need to yell at me if the site’s broken or if a change could be done to improve this dirty place, that’s sadly one of the best ways to contact me.

So, enough rambling for now. I’ll upload this post and will work on a post to make you catch up with the past few months. There are some good stuff, depending on your expectation level.

See ya around!

I regret nothing

  1. Including as usual the extra small bug I brought with by forgetting to fix the config file. ↩︎

  2. Could someone remind why I’m doing that already?… ↩︎